Human Resources Development Program
Human Resources Development (HRD) focuses on the development of basic workplace skills by providing skill assessment services, employability skills training, and career development counseling to unemployed and underemployed adults.
HRD is the framework for helping employees develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities in the effort to place, retain, or motivate them.
Program Purpose
The HRD Program is state funded through the N.C. Community College System. The program is a pre-vocational and pre-employment skills training program designed to educate and prepare persons for success in the workplace. HRD is mainly intended for those persons who are unemployed, underemployed, dislocated workers, or employed, but seeking skills upgrading or retraining. The purpose of the Human Resource Development Program is to educate and train individuals for success in the workplace. HRD classes offer interviewing skills, resume/application preparation. The program assists with self-assessment and values clarification, goal setting and action plan, employability skills/occupational extension courses, information technology/applications for job search, self-esteem/keeping a job personal finances, changing economy and so much more.
Program Overview
The HRD program focuses on the wants and needs of the customers. Training may include a variety of topics relating to job orientation and motivation, employability skills, self-sufficiency or customized skills training. Instruction can be provided on either an individual and/or group basis. Training length will vary according to customer needs or wants. HRD can be linked to other college training programs or connected to agencies outside the institution where deemed an appropriate fit. Upon successful completion of the classes, students are assisted with job searching or further training.
You may qualify for classes at NO COST TO YOU because individuals may be granted a waiver of class registration fees if they meet one of four criteria:
Unemployed or underemployed
Have received notification of pending layoff
Working and are eligible for federal earned income tax credit
Working and earning wages at or below two hundred percent (200%) of the federal poverty guidelines
To register and qualify for the fee waiver, you will need to complete the Tuition Fee Waiver.
For more information, contact:
Ja’Queta Stevenson
Coordinator, Human Resources Development/Career Readiness Certificate Program
Phone: (252) 862-1235
Work Cell: (252) 518-5756
Building: Freeland Room:114