What Must I Do to Get Started?
Before registering for distance learning courses, individuals must submit an application for admission to Student Services and meet other admission requirements. Official documentation showing receipt of a high school diploma or GED also must be furnished. The admission’s process should begin as early as possible and in advance of the College’s semester/term registration period.
Students meeting requirements for admission initially register on campus for all courses including distance learning courses, follow registration procedures as other curricular students, and pay the same tuition. In subsequent semesters, students may register for classes online via Self-Service.
Students who are out of the area may contact Amy Wiggins, Director of Admissions, at afwiggins7415@roanokechowan.edu or 252-862-1225. Also, the Director of Distance Learning may be of assistance; contact them at online@roanokechowan.edu or 252-862-1242.