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Office of the Registrar

Located in Suite 111 of the Student Services Center (Bldg H), the Registrar’s Office is one part of Roanoke-Chowan Community College’s Students Services team. We, along with the Recruitment, Admission, and Financial Aid offices, are here to aid students in pursuing their education objectives at R-CCC.


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Office of the Registrar

Located in Suite 111 of the Student Services Center (Bldg H), the Registrar’s Office is one part of Roanoke-Chowan Community College’s Students Services team. We, along with the Recruitment, Admission, and Financial Aid offices, are here to aid students in pursuing their education objectives at R-CCC.

Request a Transcript

Looking for GED/HiSET transcripts?

GED HiSET Transcripts

All North Carolina High School Equivalency (HSE) records (GED, HiSET and TASC) transcripts will be handled by Diploma Sender at Transcript Requests

Looking for Curriculum Transcripts?

There are two different types of R-CCC Curriculum Student Transcripts:

  • Official copy – These are ordered electronically only and will be sent directly to another college, employer, prospective employer, etc. The base fee for an official transcript is $5. Additional fees may apply.
    • Click here to request an electronic copy of your transcript.
  • Unofficial or student copy - may be printed at no charge.
    • Click here to request a paper copy of your transcript to be mailed. Note: Unofficial transcripts may be accessed through Self-Service if you are a currently enrolled student.

Looking for Continuing Education Transcripts?

Students needing transcripts documenting the completion of Continuing Education classes, please contact the Continuing Education Coordinator at (252) 862-1307.

Master Schedule

Program Icon Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) - []

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L.93-380, S513) signed by the President of the United States became law as of November 9, 1974. Included in this law are requirements related to the privacy of student files and records.

The law specifically states that no institution of higher education shall prevent its students from inspecting and reviewing "all official records, files, and data including all material that is incorporated into each student’s cumulative folder."

Although that act specifically refers to the access rights of parents, it provides that "whenever a student has attained 18 years of age or is attending an institution of post-secondary education, the permission or consent required of and the rights accorded to the parents of the students shall thereafter only be required of and accorded to the student."

The only individuals or agencies authorized to see a student’s record, other than the student, without the student’s written consent, are school officials with "legitimate" educational interests, officials of other schools in which the student "intends to enroll," and certain government representatives. Students interested in reviewing their files must see the Registrar or Information Processing Specialist.

The College may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, if a student does not wish for the College to disclose directory information about himself/herself, the student should notify the Registrar in writing at the start of any semester while enrolled at the college.

An amendment to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act (P.L. 106-386) requires all institutions of higher education to advise their campus community of where information concerning registered sex offenders in North Carolina can be obtained. In accordance with this amendment, the following Web address contains registered sex offender’s information for NC:

A copy of the release form can be found by clicking here.



Program Icon Degree Audit (Program Evaluation) - []

What is a Program Evaluation?

The Program Evaluation is a report that helps track a student’s progress toward completion of their degree program. It does not replace advising by academic advisors.

You can view your online program evaluation at any time, 24/7, using WebAdvisor. You should check your progress at the completion of each semester, when you are meeting with your advisor and when you register for additional courses.

NOTE: Apply for graduation during your last semester of enrollment. Check for graduation application deadline dates.

What do I do if my major is listed incorrectly?

To update your major you can complete the Change of Program Form at the Records and Registration Office in Suite 100, Student Services Center. In the meantime, you can run a "What-If" evaluation.

The "What-If" option allows you to run a degree evaluation for any available program/major.

Does my Student Degree Evaluation include the classes I am currently taking? Yes, you can run an evaluation for a future term that you have already registered for; it will include those classes as well.

What if I disagree with my evaluation?

If you disagree with any areas of the report, discuss this with your advisor. It may be a matter of substituting a course to meet a particular requirement. The program evaluation does the best it can to fit your courses into appropriate areas. Sometimes, there are multiple areas that a course could fit into and it will choose one. Unfortunately, the evaluation does not know where you meant the course to fit into your program. The Records and Registration Office processes approved course substitutions when you apply for graduation.




It is the mission of the Office of Records and Registrar to support the academic endeavors of R-CCC students, faculty, and staff. We seek to provide exceptional, accurate, responsive and respectful service as we assist students with reaching their educational goals while maintaining and safeguarding the true and complete academic record. We also seek to speak with integrity and intentions to help encourage and empower the college community by collaborating, problem-solving, and improvement. Decisions that are made and implemented will be student-focused to provide the best educational experiences possible.

Registrar's Office Functions:

The Registrar's Office operates on many levels and always strives to work with the College Administration, Faculty and Staff to provide all services required in support of the College Mission, Vision and Values. Various functions of the office include but not limited to:

  • Student Records Maintenance
  • Section creation in Colleague Datatel
  • Course registration
  • Classroom and room reservations under the Registrar's Office oversight
  • Transfer Evaluation
  • Transcripts processing
  • Enrollment Verification
  • Academic Calendar creation (Calendar Committee)
  • IT Users Group (Core Team Committee)
  • Supports and serves all current and former students using all college policies and relative laws.

Contact Us

Contact Information

(252) 862-1200 (Phone)
(252) 862-1355 (Fax)

Office Hours:

Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1248
Ahoskie, NC 27910



New Student Services Center
109 Community College Road
Ahoskie, NC 27910

For more information on any of these processes, contact the Registrar’s Office at (252) 862-1200 or via e-mail at

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